Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Simple Gifts for Your Geek

Holiday season's almost here.. have you hugged/bribed a friendly neighborhood geek today? Remember, a willing slave is the best slave.

Gift recommendations:

Mini Cactus

rumor has it these absorb radiation emitted from monitors n stuff.. plus, ultra-low maintenance of 1 spit per month to keep em alive.. that's right up my.. i mean a lazy geek's alley..!

very handy for stopping them from making excuses for fix your stuff..

Fake Mustache
oh.. the possibilities... eye brows/hitler on unsuspected small animals/children to name a few..

this is probably the most useful little thing there is

Lucky Bamboo Trinket
they'll love you unconditionally forever.. aren't they cuuuute..

Night-vision Goggles
for the novice stalkers

Scarf (or anything to stay warm..)
remember, they are probably pretty clueless when it comes to picking these.. and receiving something like this would make them feel warm and fuzzy in more ways than one!

Something Personal/Homemade
congrats, you now own his soul

Gifts to avoid:

Computer Parts
unless you know he/she wants a specific item, avoid at all cost! chances are it's 'teh n00b' and will probably go to waste

Novelty USB Gadgets
unless you tried them and liked it or see good reviews for them, this is a bit iffy as most of these are low quality and a bit flawed/annoying..

Computer Software/Games
he already has it

Movie DVD/Bluray
unless you plan to watch it with him.. otherwise, it could get a bit ronery ; ;

If you like this list, feel free to 'accidentally' link it to your loved ones..

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